Mingo Rincon said it best quote “We are better than last year, we are coming back and you better not take us lightly.” Mingo was talking to the football players at Austin Westlake. Harlingen defeated previously unbeaten San Antonio Southwest to advance to the regional round at the Alamodome for a rematch against Austin Westlake, the team that defeated the Cardinals in last years 5A regional. Harlingen head football coach Manny Gomez even posted a sign during the first day of camp that said, “Remember the Alamodome.” I’m sure the Cards were remembering and waiting for this rematch since the clock struck zero in last year’s game. Usually Rio Grande Valley teams have no chance against teams north of San Antonio. I personally think that might change on Friday at 4pm. Harlingen is different this year. 2008 was a great year but this team has little bit of a swagger. They carry themselves like a team hungry to be and beat the best. This Harlingen team has manhandled ever team on their schedule for all for quarters. The Cardinals are lik
e the energizer bunny. They keep going and going and going. Which team will be able to neutralize the relentlessness of Harlingen? I don’t know the answer but I don’t think Austin Westlake will. This team has a new flavor and I’m sure Harlingen is going to give Austin Westlake a bitter taste after Friday night.